
I am a Ph.D. candidate studying Geospatial Analytics at NC State University's Center for Geospatial Analytics, where I am advised by Dr. Josh Gray. Before my Ph.D, I completed B.Sc. degrees in Computer Science and Environmental Science, and a minor in Statistics and Analytics at UNC Chapel Hill.

I develop algorithms to estimate the adaptive potential of small-scale agriculture in poverty-ridden areas. Previously, I used remote sensing algorithms to monitor the rehabilitation of coastal ecosystems with the RESCuE Consortium in Thailand. I was a founding member of Acta Solutions, a tech start-up that helps local governments optimize decisions using constituent data. More recently, I worked with Curamericas Global to support underserved communities during Covid-19.

Recent News (See all posts)

I will be giving a talk at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023 on Monday, December 11 at 5:21-5:30pm PST
I passed my preliminary oral exam and have been admitted to candidacy!
I passed my preliminary written exam!
My deep learning-based research on smallholder field delineation was featured in an NC State University News article
I won the Gladys West Award at the Center for Geospatial Analytics' fourth annual CGA Awards

Selected Publications (See all publications)

Conference Presentations

Quantifying the Impacts of Adaptations
on Smallholder Farmers’ Climate Resilience (presentation)
I. Hinks and J. M. Gray
Monitoring Smallholder Agriculture at Scale with
Convolutional Networks and Data Augmentation (presentation)
I. Hinks and J. M. Gray
Sowtime: Climate Adaptive Agriculture in the Eastern Gangetic Plains (poster)
J. M. Gray, I. Hinks, M. Jain, S. Balwinder, A. Agrawal and A. Ishtiaque
Monitoring Crop Development in Smallholder Farms Using
Remotely Sensed Time Series Data Augmentation (presentation)
I. Hinks and J. M. Gray


Zenodo '22
Zenodo '22
The blsp R package with a Bayesian land surface phenology model (1.0)
X. Gao, I. R. McGregor, O. Smith, I. Hinks and M. Shisler
Zenodo '21
Zenodo '21
porder: Simple CLI for Planet ordersV2 API (0.8.3)
S. Roy, T. L. Swetnam, I. Hinks, R. Avery, D. Shean, A. Lukach and S. Henderson


In prep. '22
In prep. '22
Monitoring crop development in smallholder farms
using remotely sensed time series data augmentation
I. Hinks, J. M. Gray, B. J. Reich, X. Gao and M. Jain
Remote Sens. '22
Remote Sens. '22
Using Deep Learning and Very-High-Resolution
Imagery to Map Smallholder Field Boundaries
W. Mei, H. Wang, D. Fouhey, W. Zhou,
I. Hinks, J. M. Gray, D. Van Berkel and M. Jain
For. Ecol. Manag. '20
For. Ecol. Manag. '20
A history of the rehabilitation of mangroves and an assessment of their
diversity and structure using Landsat annual composites (1987–2019) and transect plot inventories
U. Pimple, D. Simonetti, I. Hinks, J. Oszwald, U. Berger,
S. Pungkul, K. Leadprathom, T. Pravinvongvuthi, P. Maprasoap and V. Gond